Saturday, May 22, 2010

C++ / polimorphism problem?

I have a base class and derived class like this ;

class base{

public :

int b;

virtual void x()=0;


class derived:public base{


int d;

void x(){}


I define a pointer of base class :

base *p=new derived;

Here is my problem :

I know that I can access to b and x but how can I access to d .

I want something that help me to store data in d with this pointer and read from it (something like p-%26gt;d=12; )

C++ / polimorphism problem?
Since p doesn't know anything about derived, it doesn't have any access to d. There are several ways to get around this, but perhaps the best is something like this:

derived *dPtr = dynamic_cast%26lt;derived%26gt;(p); // cast base to derived

if (dPtr) // if cast succeeded

dPtr-%26gt;d = 12;

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