Monday, May 24, 2010

Why would you use reinterpret_cast in c++?

I think it's used to convert a pointer of one type to another by performing a "binary copy". What does that mean and why would you ever want to do that?

Why would you use reinterpret_cast in c++?
The reinterpret cast converts one pointer type to another. It does not perform a binary copy of the object.

Its best use is to convert a base pointer to a class back to the derived class type. for example:

class A



class B: public A



int m_nVar;


// base pointer pointing to derived class

// has no access to m_nVar

A *aPtr = new B;

// cast base pointer back to derived class pointer

// has access to m_nVar

B *bPtr = reinterpret_cast%26lt;B%26gt;(aPtr);

You can also use it to cast char* to int*, or any other number of unsafe converstions, but this is not recommended.

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