Monday, May 24, 2010

Help with C Program?

Please help me create a program that does this.

Create a story that will have certain words (nouns, verbs, etc.) filled in by the user. You'll need to use gets() and the strcpy() functions to accomplish this. Be sure that your prompts are complete by asking for the type of word you're looking for and the tense (if necessary). Keep all words that are the same part of speech in an array of pointer. Values need not be randomized. Try to make a story that will be funny! J You should have at least ten words filled in by the user.

Help with C Program?

Why have you double posted? to get more answers? don't do it it annoys people especially me I have already answered your other question.

I believe this also comes under cheating in community guidelines

"creating multiple accounts or posting content for the sole purpose of gaining points or soliciting others for points is not permitted."

blazing star

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